Cross Backlinks

BoostApp BoostApp June 26, 2020 0 Comments

Google Play Store ASO: Cross Backlink

We are going to talk about an ASO technique which is not mentioned before. It is defining cross backlinks between apps in Play Store.

We have mentioned in our previous article that backlinks have a unique effect on the ranking of apps. If you have not read it yet, you can read it here.

Google Play Store allows the use of HTML “a” tag in the app description section. Although these links are not visible in Google Play Store app, they are active on

If you have more than one app, you can try to define backlinks between each other.

For example:

Let’s assume that you have two apps. App A and app B. App A is a music download app and app B is an antivirus app. Add the following code at the end of the description of app A:

<a href=”APP_B_LINK”>antivirus</a>

Add the following code at the end of the description of app B:

<a href=”APP_A_LINK”>download music</a>

Thus, A app used “antivirus” word to backlink B app, and the B app used “download music” word to backlink A app. website has a great ranking on search engines. The fact that your two apps linked each other on website will improve the reputation of your apps in these keywords and it will help you to rank higher.

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